Module 13 Assignments

Programming Problems

Programming Problems should be submitted to gradescope.

Programming Problem 25

Due date: Dec 3, Tuesday at 7pm

Write a Python function that does the following:

  1. Its name is sum_nums
  2. It takes two arguments: a list of list (2D list) of integers and n an integers
  3. It iterates through all of the numbers, and sum all of the ones whose value is less than n
  4. It returns the sum

Test cases:

print( sum_nums([[2, 12, 2], [12, 5, 100, 9]], 10) ) # 18
print( sum_nums([[2, 12, 2], [10, 5, 10, 9]], 10) ) # 18
print( sum_nums([[2, 12, 2], [10, 5, 10, 9]], 0) ) # 0
print( sum_nums([], 10) ) # 0

Name the program Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case.

Programming Problem 26

Due date: Dec 3, Tuesday at 7pm

Write a Python function that does the following:

  1. Its name is longest_string
  2. It takes one argument: a list of dictionaries
  3. The keys in each dictionary could be of various types, but you may assume that the values will be strings
  4. It returns the longest string value from all of the dictionaries in the list

Test cases:

data = [{'a':'horse', 'b':'caterpillar'}, {'a':'camp', 'c':'joker'}]
print( longest_string(data) ) # caterpillar

data = [{1:'abc', 5:'onetwothree'}, {2:'abcd'}, {7:'one two three'}]
print( longest_string(data) ) # one two three

Name the program Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case.