If statements (class slides)

CSc 110 If statements

The if statement

  • If statements can be used to run code conditionally

    • Before if-statements: Code has pretty much just run in a straight line

    • With ifs: Can run code optionally, depending on the value of a condition

This means our code can branch in different directions

The if statement

if condition:
    statement 1
    statement 2
    . . .
    statement N

The condition is an expression that is evaluated to a bool.


def greeting(name):
  if name == "Bond":
    return "Welcome on board 007."
    return "Hello, " + name

def main():
  user_name = input("Enter your name:\n")
  print( greeting(user_name) )


Improve the function

Instead of checking if the name entered is “Bond”, also check whether the name is “James Bond”.

Conditional execution

The computer program branches out, or makes decisions

def greater_than_zero(n):
  if n > 0:
    return "Greater than zero"
    return "Not greater than zero"
def main():
  result = greater_than_zero(4)
  result = greater_than_zero(0)
  result = greater_than_zero(-3)
Greater than zero
Not greater than zero
Not greater than zero

Write a function

Write a Python function called absolute that takes one numeric argument (integer or float) n and returns the absolute value of n: if n is positive, it results n, if n is negative, it returns n * -1

Test cases:

print( absolute(4) ) # 4
print( absolute(-4) ) # 4
print( absolute(0) ) # 0

Submit your solution (name your file absolute.py) to gradescope for attendance

Write a function – solution

def absolute(n):
  if n > 0:
    return n
    return -n
def main():
  print( absolute(4) )
  print( absolute(-4) )
  print( absolute(0) )

Write a function

  1. Function name is age_milestones and it takes one integer argument: age
  2. It returns:
    • ‘You may apply to join the military’ if age is greater or equal to 18
    • ‘You may drink’ if age is greater or equal to 21
    • ‘You may run for president’ if age is greater or equal to 35
print( age_milestones(18) ) # You may apply to join the military.
print( age_milestones(30) ) # You may apply to join the military. You may drink.
print( age_milestones(0) ) # 

Age milestones

def age_milestones(age):
  This function prints an informative message based on,
  a person's age.
    age: integer representing a person's age
    A string with a message to the user
  message = ""
  if age >= 18:
      message += 'You may apply to join the military.'
  if age >= 21:
      message += ' You may drink.'
  if age > 35:
      message += ' You may run for president.'
  return message
def main():
  print( age_milestones(18) ) # You may apply to join the military.
  print( age_milestones(30) ) # You may apply to join the military. You may drink.
  print( age_milestones(0) ) # 
You may apply to join the military.
You may apply to join the military. You may drink.

Input validation

String methods

In addition to having built-in functions (len(), print(), int(), float(), etc.), Python also has a number of methods we will be using in this class.

Check the documentation for string methods and read what .isnumeric() does.

Validating numbers

  • The input() function always returns a string
  • We can use the string built-in method .isnumeric() to determine if a string represents a number
  • The idea is to ensure the input string only contains digits

Try these out:

name = "Jimmy"
name = "42"
age = 37
age.isnumeric() # this throws an error

Write a validation function

Write a Python function that does the following:

  1. Its name is validate_age
  2. It takes a string argument: age
  3. It returns True if age contains only 0-9 digit characters, and False otherwise

Call this validation in your previous code for age milestones.

Age milestones

def age_milestones(age):
  This function prints an informative message based on,
  a person's age.
    age: integer representing a person's age
    A string with a message to the user
  message = ""
  if age >= 18:
      message += 'You may apply to join the military'
  if age >= 21:
      message += 'You may drink'
  if age > 35:
      message += 'You may run for president'
  return message

def validate_age(age):
  return age.isnumeric()
def main():
  This functions takes input from the user and calls the
  check_age() functiont to print a message
  age = input('How old are you?\n')
  if validate_age(age):
    age = int(age)
    print("Invalid age entered")