Module 9 Assignments

Programming Problems

Programming Problems should be submitted to gradescope.

Programming Problem 17

Due date: Oct 29, Tuesday at 7pm

Write a Python function that does the following:

  1. Its name is read_csv
  2. It takes a string as argument called file_name
  3. It opens the file with file_name in read mode
  4. It iterates over each line in the file, splitting each line by ","
  5. It creates a dictionary where the keys are the first item in each line, and the values are the other values (in a list)
  6. It returns the dictionary

Test cases:

contents of stipends.csv:

print( read_csv("stipends.csv") ) # {"Peter": [1000], 
                                  #  "Joan": [50500],
                                  #  "Mary": [2400]}

contents of population.csv:

Country,United States,Brazil,Mexico,Canada
Population (in mil),331.00,212.56,128.93,37.74
print( read_csv("population.csv") ) # {"Country": ["United States", "Brazil", "Mexico", "Canada"],
                                    #  "Population (in mil)": [331.00, 212.56, 128.93, 37.74]}

Name the program Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case.

Programming Problem 18

Due date: Oct 29, Tuesday at 7pm

Write a Python function that does the following:

  1. Its name is write_csv
  2. It takes a dictionary and a string file_name as arguments
  3. It opens the file with file_name in write mode
  4. It iterates over the dictionary to write lines to the opened .csv
  5. Each key is the first element of the line, the values are lists that contain the other values in the line

Test cases:

my_data = {"Peter": [1000], "Joan": [50500], "Mary": [2400]}
write_csv(my_data, "stipends.csv")

This is what stipends.csv should contain:

my_data = {"Country": ["United States", "Brazil", "Mexico", "Canada"],
           "Population (in mil)": [331.00, 212.56, 128.93, 37.74]}
write_csv(my_data, "population.csv")

This is what population.csv should contain:

Country,United States,Brazil,Mexico,Canada
Population (in mil),331.0,212.56,128.93,37.74

Name the program Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case.