Module 1 Programming Problems

Programming Problems should be submitted to gradescope.

If you need instructions on how to submit your .py files to gradescope, watch the video at the end of this page.


Due date: Aug 30, Friday at 7pm

This is a survey to collect information on your expectations for CSc 110 Computer Programming I. The completion of this survey is required and will be used for grading purposes.

Programming Problem 1

Due date: Sep 5, Thursday at 7pm

Write a python program that prints out the string “Hello World!”. Be careful with capitalization and punctuation. Remember to write code inside a function called main().

The exact output of the program should be:

Hello World!

Name the program Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case.

Programming Problem 2

Due date: Sep 5, Thursday at 7pm

Write a python program that prints out the following excerpt from Amanda Gorman’s poem, “The Hill We Climb”:

When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?

The loss we carry. A sea we must wade.
We braved the belly of the beast.

We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, 
and the norms and notions of what "just" is isn't always justice.

And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it.

Somehow we do it.

Name the program Remember to write code inside a function called main(). Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test case. You can submit your solution to gradescope as many times as you want before the deadline.

HINT: print() has a parameter called end which is set as end="\n" by default – change that to end="" to remove the last newline character.

Make sure you do the reading for this module, especially the section on Escape Sequences

How to submit to gradescope video