More on Functions (class slides)

CSC 110 - More on Functions in Python

Function Comments

  • Every function created is required to have a function comment, including main
  • Function comments are a multi-line string (as opposed to using # for other comments)

Function Comments

Adriana Picoral
Class Demonstration
This program has two functions: one to calculate the area of a sphere,
the other to calculate the volume of a sphere.
The main() function is called to print to the standard output the
area and volume of a sphere of radius .75

def sphere_volume(radius):
  This function calculates the volume of a sphere of given radius.
    radius: integer representing the radius of the sphere
    The float representing the volume of a sphere of the given radius
  volume = (1 / 3) * sphere_area(radius) * radius
  return round(volume, 2)

def sphere_area(radius):
  This function calculates the area of a sphere of given radius.
    radius: integer representing the radius of the sphere
    The float representing the area of a sphere of the given radius
  area = 4 * 3.1415 * radius**2
  return round(area, 2)

def main():
  This function prints the volume and area of a sphere of radius .75.
  r = .75
  v = sphere_volume(r)
  a = sphere_area(r)
  print(v, a)
1.77 7.07

Global vs. Local variables (scope)

  • Every variable that is created has a particular scope
  • The scope of a variable is the range of coder over which that variable can be used or modified

Global vs. Local variables (scope)

  • Local Variables have local scope – for example, a variable assigned inside a function can only be used or modified withing that function
  • Global Variables have global scope – for example, a variable delcared outside a function can be accessed or modified acorss mulitple functions

Global vs. Local variables (scope)

  • In the previous program we wrote (volume and area of sphere), r, v and a are local variables within the main() function.
  • The variable area is also local within the sphere_area(radius) function scope.
  • The variable volume is local within sphere_volume(radius)

Global or Local?

a = 10               # What are the global and local variables?
b = 5                # Is the output of the two programs the same 
                     # or different?
def sum():
  return a + b

def main():


def sum(a, b):
  return a + b

def main():
  print(sum(10, 5))

Argument vs. Parameter

  • Never set variables as global variables, pass values to functions when called
  • When a function is defined, the values you want to pass to the function are called parameter variables
  • When the function is then called, the values you pass to the function are called arguments

Write a function

Write a Python function called hypotenuse that takes two arguments: a and b representing the length of the two non-hypotenuse sides of a right angle triangle. The function should calculate the hypotenuse (c) according to the Pythagorean theorem formula: \(c = \sqrt(a^2 + b^2)\), and return it rounded at two decimals.

Test cases: hypotenuse(3, 4) should return 5.0, hypotenuse(10, 10) should return 14.14

Name your file

Write a function

def sqrt(n):
  This function calculates the square root of a number
    n: integer or float
    The square root of n
  return n**.5

def hypotenuse(a, b):
  This function calculates the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle.
    a: number (integer or float) representing one of the non-hypotenuse sides
    b: number (integer or float) representing one of the non-hypotenuse sides
    Float representing the length of the hypotenuse given a and b
  h = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
  return round(h, 2)

def main():
  This function calls the hypotenuse function to calculate and then
  print out the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle of sides 3 and 4
  and the hypotenuse of a right angle triange of sides 10 and 10
  result = hypotenuse(3, 4)
  result = hypotenuse(10, 10)

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