Getting Started

For our IDE (Integrated Development Environment), we will be using Eclipse.

  1. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  2. Open Eclipse and choose a working environment folder (you can just choose the default, or change it to another folder of your preference) – click on Launch

choose working folder
  1. Create a new Java project – Uncheck the Create file option and click on Finish

choose File > New > Java Project

unselect option for and click finish
  1. With your new Java project selected, create a new Java class – choose a name for your class, and select the public static void main(String[] args) option (we will be doing different things in the future, but for now, we will have a main method in our class) and click on Finish

choose New > Class

select option to create main and click Finish
  1. Try typing System.out.println("Hello, World!"); inside the main() method and click Run click run