Lab 02

Short Assignment 02


In this week’s lab, we will be practicing reading .csv files, and manipulating HashMaps in Java.

We will be working with data on the 2024 olympics.

The program should have the following usage:

    java MedalInfo COMMAND optional

The commands consist of MAX, MIN and COUNTRY.

Each command will be most easily implemented with a HashMap. Therefore, your implementation will read in the csv file and be using a HashMap based on the medallists.csv file Kaggle.

MAX - This function prints the country name with the most medals. Here’s what the message should look like:

United States had the most medals with a total of 330 medals.

MIN - This function prints the country name with the least medals. Here’s what the message should look like:

Cyprus had the fewest medals with a total of 1 medal.

COUNTRY - The country function requires an additional string argument on the command line. This string is the name of a country. Here’s what the message should look like when the second string argument is "Brazil":

Brazil had a total of 67 medals.

Testing your code

Your methods should work with this main method:

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        HashMap<String, Integer> countryCount = getMedalCount("medallists.csv");
        if (args[0].equals("MAX")) {
        if (args[0].equals("MIN")) {
        if (args[0].equals("COUNTRY")) {
            System.out.println(getCountry(countryCount, args[1]));


Submitting your code

Add the package information at the top of your .java file:

package com.gradescope.medalinfo;

Submit your file to gradescope.