Programming Assignmnet 05



Learning Objectives

The goal of this assignment is to design a class hierarchy to solve a problem, implement that hierarchy, use polymorphism, and use two-dimensional arrays.

What is a class hierarchy you ask? Read about it on Wikipedia. The class diagram you will be submitting will be a simplified version of the UML class diagrams. There are many resources on the internet for UML class diagrams.

Also check the lecture slides on UML class diagrams.

Use the following notation:

  • - for private
  • + for public
  • # for protected

Remember to include in your diagram:

  • inheritance relationships with lines and arrows
  • class name at the top of each box
  • constructors
  • methods with parameter and return types
  • access modifiers (-, +, #)

Garden Simulation

The problem you will be solving is a garden simulation. The simulation will read commands like PLANT, PRINT, GROW, and HARVEST from a file and execute those commands. The garden that you will be implementing will consist of a number of columns and rows of plots. Within each plot there can exist a single plant, which is represented with a 5x5 grid of cells. Plants are divided up into three different categories: trees, flowers, and vegetables, all of which have unique characteristics.
For example, trees grow up, vegetables grow down, and flowers bloom as they grow.

The Assignment

This is a two-week assignment. The class inheritance diagram will be all that is due Friday October 11, 2024 at 11:30 pm. We make suggestions as to what to implement the first week and then the second week, but you will be responsible for managing your own time. The rest of the assignment is due Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 11:30 pm.

  • Class inheritance diagram: Create this diagram however you would like (draw it by hand, use software, etc.). You need to create a pdf file of it and submit it to Gradescope.

    • See ( for some suggestions of how to scan in a document with your phone if you plan to produce your pdf by taking a picture of it.
    • You will be building on PA5 for future programming assignments.
  • Your main program, which must be named, will need to accept the name of an input file on the command line.

  • The input file will contain all of the garden initialization settings and the commands to simulate. Here is an example input file.

rows: 1
cols: 1

PLANT (0,0) banana

Note that the commands should be case-insensitive. In other words, “print”, “PRINT”, and “Print” are all equivalent in the input file. Here is the output for the example:


> GROW 1


The output should be printed to standard out. See TestCases/ for more input and output examples.

  • The following are the types of specific plants that could be planted:
-------      -----      ----------
Iris         Oak        Garlic
Lily         Willow     Zucchini
Rose         Banana     Tomato
Daisy        Coconut    Yam
Tulip        Pine       Lettuce
  • The following are examples of representation arrays for different types of plants. For this assignmenet, plants will be represented with ascii characters. Use the lower case version of the first letter of the plant name. For “Garlic” use ‘g’, for “Daisy” use ‘d’, etc.
    • Flowers should start in the middle of the 5x5 grid of cells in the plot it is planted in. Each location in a plot is called a cell.
    • Vegetables should start at the top middle.
    • Trees should start at the bottom middle.
  • Commands that need to be implemented. See the TestCases/ for more examples. There are examples with PLANT, PRINT, and GROW. Other command input and output examples will appear during Spring Break.

    • The PLANT Command
      EXAMPLE USE: PLANT (0,0) rose
      If the PLANT command is read, it should be followed by plot coordinates and the type of Plant to be planted. Use this type to plant the correct subclass of plant into the garden at given plot coordinates. The plot coordinates are given as row and column. Both rows and columns start at 0. Rows go down the screen, and columns go across the screen. Each plot will itself contain 5 cells (represented as characters). There is a restriction that the number of cells across should be less than or equal to 80, therefore the most plot columns allowed is 80/5 or 16.

    • The PRINT Command
      If the PRINT command is read, then the entire garden should be printed to standard out.

    • The GROW Command
      If the GROW command is read, then each Plant should grow the specified number of times as seen in the input command. A plant cannot grow out of its plot. No error will happen, but growth should not occur outside the plot boundaries. Plots also cannot run into each other.

    • GROW [num] (x,y)
      EXAMPLE USE: GROW 1 (2,3)
      Grow whichever Plant is located in the garden at position (x,y) num times. If there is nothing at this position or the position is outside the size of the garden, print, “Can’t grow there.” and continue.

    • GROW [num] [type]
      EXAMPLE USE: GROW 1 rose
      Grow only Plants of the specified type num times.

    • GROW [num] [Plant]
      EXAMPLE USE: GROW 1 flower
      Grow only Plants of the specified class num times.

      Remove all Vegetables from the Garden.

    • HARVEST (x,y)
      Harvest Vegetable at location (x,y). If not a Vegetable or outside of Garden, print, “Can’t harvest there.” and continue.

    • HARVEST [type]
      Harvests all Vegetables of the specified type. If there are no Vegetables with that type, do nothing.

    • PICK
      Remove all Flowers from the Garden.

    • PICK (x,y)
      EXAMPLE USE: PICK (2,3)
      Pick Flower at location (x,y). If not a Flower or outside of Garden, print, “Can’t pick there.” and continue.

    • PICK [type]
      EXAMPLE USE: PICK rose
      Pick all Flowers of the specified type. If there are no Flowers with that type, do nothing.

    • CUT
      Remove all Trees from the Garden.

    • CUT (x,y)
      EXAMPLE USE: CUT (2,3)
      Cut Tree at location (x,y). If not a Tree or outside of Garden, print, “Can’t cut there.” and continue.

    • CUT [type]
      Cut all Trees of the specified type. If there are no Trees with that type, do nothing.

  • Unique Class

Students will design their own plant type and show an example input and output that illustrates it in a file. This new plant should be different from Vegetable, Flower, and Tree, but still be usable alongside them within the garden and work with the commands PLANT, GROW, and PRINT.

  • Error Handling

    • Some of the commands above specify some error handling.

    • The garden should never be more than 80 characters across. If it is print out the message “Too many plot columns.” and then exit. Think: How many characters across is each plot?

    • Other than the above specified errors, the input can be assumed well formed.

Design Suggestions

We recommend the following:

  • A Garden object with a 2D array or list of plant objects.
  • A Plant class hierarchy of some kind.
  • A Screen object with a 2D array of characters that each plant can print its current representation into. The Screen object can then print everything to standard out.
    • hint: when copying over a Plant’s representation array place each cell at:
     [(Plant's row  * 5) + cell row][(Plant's col * size of plot) + cell col]
    into the Screen object’s Array.

Grading Criteria

60% of this assignment grade will be correctness. For this assignment, there will be some private test cases on Gradescope used for grading.

The other 40% of your grade will be your decomposition and code clarity. Twenty of these points will be on your class hierarchy diagram.


  • Points will be taken off for copy, pasted, and edited code that should have been encapsulated in a method.

  • This program should use fewer than 10 .java files. Each of these files should be (<275 lines).

  • Each static method should be less than 30 lines. This INCLUDES comments, but not the method header. It is easier to read a function if it can all fit on one screen.

  • Make things as simple as possible.

    • Only use one Scanner instance.
    • Don’t use lambda functions or other features in non-standard ways.
    • Avoid nested loops unless they would be cleaner when handling a 2D array.
    • Avoid nesting conditionals.

Code Clarity

  • YOU should be able to read, understand, and explain your own code to someone else a couple days after you wrote it.

    • No magic numbers
    • No methods written to just get the test cases to work
  • There needs to be a balance between no comments in the body of the methods and a comment for every line in the program. Either extreme will result in points off.

  • The file header should include instructions on how someone would use this program. To use the program, one would need to know the input file format.

  • Use meaningful variable names. Loop iterators can be simple (i for integers, s for strings, n for numbers, etc.).

  • The clearest code examples will be anonymously shown in class.

  • The most obfuscated code examples will be anonymously shown in class with suggestions for improvement.

The coding style in terms of spacing, etc. should be done automatically every time you save in Eclipse. As long as you stick with those defaults, the syntax style should be fine.

Testing your code

You should test your code using JUnit tests.

You can modify this file to test your code. Running this file (and adding tests to it) will give you the feedback you need to pass the autograder tests. The autograder will not give you feedback on what is wrong with your output, but running the JUnit tests will.


Write your own code. We will be using a tool that finds overly similar code. I recommend that when talking with others about the assignment, do not write anything down.

The class hierarchy diagram in pdf format is due October 11, 2024 – Friday, 11:30pm in Gradescope.

  • Full implementation:

For this assignment, you are REQUIRED to submit all of your java source files to Gradescope before October 16, 2024 – Wednesday, 11:30pm.
You also need to submit your with example input and output for your unique class.


Package information:
