CSC 210 Lab 02

HashMap class

Here’s the import statement:

import java.util.HashMap;

To create a dictionary with counts of something, we will have the key as String and the count or value as Integer in our HashMap.

HashMap<String, Integer> somethingCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

Using a HashMap to count things

In our loop to count instances of a certain string, we will use the .get(key) methods to retrieve the value stored for that specific key. We then use .put(key, value) to update the count for that key.

Integer currentCount = somethingCount.get(dataRow[6]);
if(currentCount == null) currentCount = 0;
somethingCount.put(dataRow[6], currentCount + 1);

Note the use of a temporary variable called currentCount that is assigned null if that specific key is not in the HashMap yet.

Count example

Let’s count characters in a String.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class CountChars {
    public static HashMap<Character, Integer> countChars(String word) {
        HashMap<Character, Integer> charCount = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
          // get value for the character at index i
            Integer currentCount = charCount.get(word.charAt(i)); 
            // if there was no key yet in the HashMap, make the value zero
            if(currentCount == null) currentCount = 0;
            // put in the HashMap for the character at index i (our key)
            // the current value plus one
            charCount.put(word.charAt(i), currentCount + 1);
        return charCount;

    public static void main(String[] args) {



Assignment instructions

Short Assignment 2

Write getMedalCount(filename) first

The first line in the main provided for testing we have the HashMap creating based on our .csv file:

HashMap<String, Integer> countryCount = getMedalCount("medallists.csv");

Download the medallists.csv file from Kaggle and add it to your project.

The first line is the file header, read that first line before writing a while loop with .hasNextLine()

Then use split(,) to split each line and count the countries (index 6) in each split line.

Write getMax(HashMap)

For this method you will return a string with a message like this:

countryName + " had the most medals with a total of " + maxCount + " medals."

You can initialize the maxCount variable with zero, since we know all counts are positive. Then iterate over the keys in the HashMap using a for loop similar to this:

 for (String key : medalCount.keySet())

Write getMin(HashMap)

Similar to getMax, but the string returned should be s

countryName + " had the fewest medals with a total of " + minCount + " medal."

You can use Integer.MAX_VALUE to initialize your minCount variable.

Write getCountry(HashMap, String)

For this method you need to return a string with the country name and the total number of methods that country had:

countryName + " had a total of " + medalCount + " medals."