CSC 210 Fall 2024

The main goal of this course is to learn how to decompose problems and solve them with a program and do this in an effective manner that enables your future self and others to read, understand, and maintain your programs. Other goals include learning a second programming language (Java), learning decomposition and debugging strategies, and learning GUI event-driven programming (JavaFX).

Where to start:

Instructor Information

  • Adriana Picoral 🔈

    • Office: Gould-Simpson 811

    • Email:

    • Instructor Website:

    • Office hours (open door, drop in, my office GS 811):

      • Monday 2:30pm to 3:30pm

      • Wednesday 10:30am to 12:30pm

TA office hours

TA office hours take place in Gould-Simpson room 821.

Information about the materials for this course

The materials (including slides and assignments) for this course are based on materials from previous CSC 210 instances created by other instructors, including: Michelle Strout, and Rick Mercer.