October 20 2022


  • practice more with interaction

Case Study: Yarn

The data

You can access the data itself and information on these data on Alice Walsh’s GitHub.

Explore the data, and discuss with a classmate:

  • What questions can you answer about the data?
  • What visualizations can you build to answer these questions?
  • How could interaction help your audience make sense of the data?


  • What data?
  • Why (user intent)?
  • How (visual encoding)?

Starter Project

Add interaction

What interaction can you add to this plot to help the user understand the data better?



Halloween-related Sales

Case Study 2: Halloween Candy

The data

The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking

  • How was data collected?
  • What questions can you answer with this data?
  • What visualizations would answer these questions?
  • How can interaction help users use these visualizations?