CSC 210 Lab 01

Scanner class

We will be using the Scanner class for two things in today’s lab:

  • Read user keyboard input to request a file name
  • Read the specified text file

We will also use while and for loops for this short assignment.

Getting Started

Get started by creating a new Java Project on Eclipse, and then a new class (new .java file) called FileSum (remember that class names are proper cased):

Proper Case (FileSum) – the first letter of every word, inclusing the first word, is uppercase while the remaining letters are lowercase

Your class should have a main method (that’s what gradescope will be calling), your main method should be public and static

Remember that your class name need to match file name (

Short Assignment Instructions

Short Assignment 01

Set up Scanner

Import the appropriate class at the top of your file:

import java.util.Scanner;

Then, in your main method, call the constructor:

Scanner keyboardScanner = new Scanner(;

Print a message to the user, for them to enter a file name (it must match the spelling in the instructions).

Then, read the keyboard input:

String fileName = keyboardScanner.nextLine();

Set up file to read

Once you have read the user input, you can go ahead and use that user string to read the file.

File myFile = new File(fileName);
Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myFile);

For this to work, you need a throws FileNotFoundException in your main method definition.

Read every line in the file

Your file Scanner has the following methods:

  • .hasNextLine() – returns true if there’s a next line to read, false otherwise
  • .nextLine() – returns a string for the next line in the file

Write a while loop that if there’s a next line to be read in the file, reads it

Splitting lines

For each line you read, you can use the following String methods:

  • .split(" ") – split a String by single space

This method returns an Array, so when assigning the result of a String split to a variable name, use String[] type declaration.

For loop

Once you’ve created an array of Strings, which are the individual numbers that you need to sum up together, you will iterate over this array with a for loop.

The structure of a for loop in Java is:

for(type variable = start; condition to stop; increment)

For example:

for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++)

Your limit will be the length of your array, which can be retrieved by its .length variable

Last thing you need to know

You can use the valueOf() method from the Integer class to convert a string to an integer:


Submit assignment

Submit your assignment to gradescope

Remember you need to submit the file

Add package com.gradescope.filesum; to the top of your file so that the binary file is placed in the correct autograder folder