CSC 110 Lab Week 6

Creating a 2D list

In this short project, you will create a 2D list or random integers using the .append() method and nested loops (meaning, a loop inside a loop).

Name your file

Remember to import random and set the seed to 123.

Your function should take a width and length as arguments. The length represents how many sublists you need in your main list. The width is the length of each individual sublist (they are all the same length). Each element in your sublist will be a random integer between 0 and 100.

my_two_d_list = create_list(5, 3)
[[6, 34, 11, 98, 52], [34, 13, 4, 48, 68], [71, 42, 43, 6, 20]]
my_two_d_list = create_list(3, 5)
[[6, 34, 11], [98, 52, 34], [13, 4, 48], [68, 71, 42], [43, 6, 20]]